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Giving Voice: Creative Nonfiction / Memoir Intensive with Mindy Lewis
February 7, 2021 @ 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Is there something bugging you that's been brewing for a while? Something under your skin itching to get out? Perhaps it's a persistent memory that awakens you in the night, a pet peeve, recurring image, or long-forgotten memory triggered by a song, smell, or chance encounter. Or something you were warned not to say, or swore never to reveal? This workshop is an opportunity to give voice and form to the elusive and forbidden, and to exorcise the phantoms that haunt you, even if you don't yet know what they are. Writing prompts and handouts of literary rants, raves and reveals from across the centuries will inspire you to open trap doors and give voice to what's within, whether dramatic, profound, furious, or humorous. Let's open the doors, take the plunge, and ride the waves together.

Surviving Suicide - a reading and discussion at Hudson Valley Writers' Center, Philipse Manor, NY https://www.writerscenter.org/calendar/lewishughes/

Sunday, September 23rd at 4PM

A reading, discussion, and Q&A on suicide and survival. With suicide on the rise and a larger killer than car accidents in this country, this topic, written about compellingly by Andrew Solomon in The New York Times, is timely. Ingrid Blaufarb Hughes will read from her memoir, Losing Aaron, about the suicide of her son. Long-time HVWC instructor, Mindy Lewis, will read excerpts from her memoir, Life Inside, which follows her youthful flirtation with suicide and the stories of her many adolescent and young adult friends who ended their lives.

The Dying of the Light - Writers on Suicide

Thursday, January 11, 2018, 6PM
Jefferson Market Library, 425 Ave. of the Americas at W. 10th Street, NYC

Ingrid Blaufarb Hughes, author of Losing Aaron, and Mindy Lewis, author of Life Inside: A Memoir, read from their work on suicide and survival.


Sunday January 30th, 6-8pm
Cornelia Street Café
29 Cornelia Street, NYC
Selected readings from Many Mountains Moving Issue X by Erik Ipsen, Minter Krotzer, Mindy Lewis, R.C. Ringer, Renato Rosaldo, and Hal Sirowitz; hosted by Thad Rutkowski


Sunday June 6th, 4:30-6:30pm
Hudson Valley Writers' Center
Philipse Manor, NY
DIRT contributors Laura Shaine Cunningham, Mimi Schwartz & Mindy Lewis read personal essays, followed by discussion, reception, book signing. Take the 3:20 Hudson line train from Grand Central (or 3:30 from 125th) to arrive at Philipse Manor at 4:12, cross the tracks and you’ll be there. Info online at http://www.writerscenter.org

Thursday June 10th, 6-7PM
Bloomingdale Library
150 West 100th Street (between Amsterdam & Columbus Aves), NYC
Patty Dann, Mindy Greenstein & editor Mindy Lewis read essays from DIRT anthology. Please arrive on time; the library closes at 7PM.


Thu, September 24, 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Fall for the Book Festival
George Mason University
Johnson Center, Gold Room
4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA
DIRT Contributors Kyoko Mori, Jessica Shines, and anthology editor Mindy Lewis offer “a multidimensional look at the universal challenge of keeping our stuff, our dwellings, and our personal space clean and uncluttered.”

Sun, September 13th, 4-6PM
Sunday Best Reading Series
The Lounge at Hudson View Gardens
Pinehurst Avenue and 183rd Street
DIRT contributors Kathleen Crisci, Laura Shaine Cunningham, and Ann Hood; introduced by DIRT editor Mindy Lewis
$7 admission, free refreshments; reception & book signing

Saturday Sept 12th, 3PM
Fort Washington Public Library
535 W. 179th Street
New York, NY 10033
Janice Eidus and Mindy Greenstein read essays about motherhood and housekeeping

Thurs Sept 24th at 7:30PM
Fall for the Book Festival at George Mason University
Gold Room, Johnson Building, George Mason Campus, Fairfax, VA
Readings by Mindy Lewis, Kyoko Mori, Jessica Shines


Sat Aug 8th 11AM
Toadstool Bookstore
12 Depot Square
Peterborough, NH 03458
Readings by Mindy Lewis, Mimi Schwartz, and Katy Brennan

Mon Aug 10th 7:30PM
Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, Martha's Vineyard
44 Main Street, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
Katy Brennan and Mindy Lewis read and discuss DIRT


Tues, April 28th, 7PM
KGB Bar, 85 East 4th Street, FREE
KGB Nonfiction Series
DIRT: The Quirks, Habits, and Passions of Keeping House
Celebrate the publication of DIRT with readings by contributors Janice Eidus, Rebecca McClanahan, Mindy Lewis, and Mira Bartók. Get downtown and get dirty!

Friday May 1st, 7-9 PM
The Marjorie S. Deane Little Theater of the Westside YMCA
Celebrate the actual pub date of DIRT with Writer's Voice affiliated contributors Mindy Lewis, Mimi Schwartz, Michael Hill, Kathleen Crisci, Brian Gerber, Mindy Greenstein, Branka Ruzak, Markie Robson-Scott, and Nancy Stiefel. Reception follows.

Tues, May 7th at 7PM
Borders, Time Warner building at Columbus Circle
Readings by DIRT anthology contributors Patty Dann, Sally Koslow, Mindy Greenstein, Joyce Maynard, and Mindy Lewis

Sat May 9th 1-2 PM Meet-and-Greet with DIRT editor Mindy Lewis
Watchung Booksellers, Montclair NJ

Sunday May 10, 3PM
Sunny's Sunday Reading Series in Redhook, Brooklyn
Sunny's Bar, 253 Conover Street, Brooklyn
Directions: http://www.sunnysredhook.com/pages/Directions.html
Katy Brennan reads "Buddha in the Closet" and Mindy Lewis reads "A Dirty Love Story"

Tues May 19th, 7PM
Book Revue Bookstore, Huntington L.I.
Readings by DIRT contributors Katy Brennan and Mindy Lewis

Tues June 2nd, 6-8PM
Cornelia Street Café
29 Cornelia Street, NYC 10014 212-989-9319
DIRT anthology contributors Laura Shaine Cunningham, Lisa Selin Davis, Thad Rutkowski, and Alissa Quart

Sat June 6th, 7PM Inquiring Minds Bookstore, New Paltz NY
Balabusta special DIRT event! Readings by Laura Shaine Cunningham, Rand Richards Cooper, and Mindy Lewis - followed by reception and raffle for Eco-friendly cleaning supplies gift bag donated by True-Value Hardware in New Paltz.

2009 LIFE INSIDE readings

Sunday, March 8, 2009, 4PM - 7PM
The Lounge at Hudson View Gardens, Pinehurst Avenue and 183rd Street
"Speak Up, Past" memoir festival featuring Mindy Lewis, June Cross, Hudson View Gardens memoir group, and others.
Readings, book signing, reception. $7 admission.

Thursday March 12th, 8PM
The Third Annual Memoir-a-thon, curated by Branka Ruzak The Old Stone House, Fifth Avenue and Third Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn
Featured readings by Robert Goolrick, Mindy Lewis, Elena Schwolsky, Branka Ruzak, Erica Silberman
Directions and info: http://brooklynreadingworks.com